Lighting up the Night with a Holiday Tradition!

December 14, 2020

In the 1930s, when Karl Taylor Compton was President of the Institute, the Women’s League began the tradition of creating the large holiday wreaths that hang at 77 Mass Ave. Since then, we’ve gathered year on year to make the wreaths. Here’s a picture from our archives:

This was the year it seemed that tradition might be broken – we explored multiple avenues to find a way to make the wreaths, but there wasn’t a way to gather safely. Enter the great people at MIT Buildings & Grounds! With a donation from the Women’s League, Sogna Scott and her team, who are still on campus, made the holiday magic happen.

Whether you’re on campus, driving past, or seeing these pictures online, we hope they bring you a little joy and light!

Thank you to the Women’s League Board, Sogna Scott and everyone at Buildings and Grounds for making this happen.

All photos by Ron Hoffmann (thank you, too!)

When we could gather in person, wreath-making looked like this. We hope to be back in person next year!